(North) Iho Taewoo Beach 梨湖筏船海边 이호테우해변

Iho Taewoo Beach is situated not far from downtown Jeju, and visitors can access it easily. It is not unusual to see people wind surfing, jet skiing or playing beach volleyball at Iho in the early morning before they go to work. The lighthouse are easily recognisable landmarks on Iho beach as the two are shaped like horses, a symbol of Jeju. Painted red and white, the lighthouse attract visitors’ attention with their shape that looks as if they are galloping from the ocean to the beach. You can see their elaborately detailed tails, hair, eyes and mouths when you go closer to photograph them. On the beach are resting areas with facilities including changing rooms, showers, rest rooms and parking lots, so it is an ideal place to enjoy a casual visit with family or friends. 

梨湖筏船海边离济州市区很近,可以随时到那里游玩。在这里,考验遇到很多凌晨时享受帆板,水上摩托车,沙滩排球等休闲运动后上班的上班族。梨湖筏船海边又一个著名的地方就是灯塔。在这里耸立着济州岛的象征 - “马” 形状的两座灯塔。两座灯塔分别为红色和白色,就好像要从海边奔向海水浴场的两匹马一样,吸引了游客的目光。近距离拍照的话,可以看到灯塔精巧的尾巴,鬃毛,眼睛和嘴等。梨湖筏船海边的休息站,更衣室,淋浴室,卫生间,停车场等便利设施完备,可以与家人或恋人到这里享受一下休闲运动。

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😍 Picture of Jeju Island 😍
📷 Picture with taxi tour customer 📷
Jeju taxi tour kj(Jeju island taxi & jjang)

🙌(North) Iho Taewoo Beach 梨湖筏船海边 이호테우해변🙌

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