(South) Jungmun Daepo Haean Columnar - Jointed Lava 中文大浦海岸柱状节理带 중문.대포해안 주상절리대

Near Jungmun Beach, a popular spot for vacationers and locals, is an impressive pillar rock formation named Jungmun Daepo Haean Columnar-Jointed Lava (Jusangjeollidae). The formation looks like a piece of art that has been sculpted delicately with a sharp tool. Jusangjeollidae usually refers to vertical pillar shaped rocks in a rectangular of hexagonal shape and is often composed of basaltic lava. Such a formation is the result of a sudden contraction when thick molten lava flows from an active volcanic crater and cools rapidly. This site is full a wonder of nature, where hexagonal rock pillars stand on top of each other like giant stairs. The waves that hit the pillars are also interesting to see as, when the tide is high, they can leap up to 20 meters high. Jungmun Daepo Haean Jusangjeollidae, which is 30~40m high and 1km wide, is the largest such formation in Korea and is designated as Natural Monument no.443. Thank to a viewing platform with wooden steps, it is possible to see Jusangjeollidae closely. 

在人气最旺的中文穑达海边附近,还有一处漂亮的柱状节理带,就是中文。大浦海岸柱状节理带。柱状节理好像是用锋利的雕刻刀精心雕琢的艺术作品,指主要在玄武岩质熔岩流中出现的4~6角型的柱状垂直节理。这是厚厚的熔岩由火山口流出,在急剧冷却的同时产生收缩作用的产物。如垒成台阶般层层叠叠,六角型的石柱如屏风般环绕,让人不禁感叹大自然的鬼斧神工。而且,拍打在石柱上的波涛震人心魄,波涛汹涌时,最高达20m以上,完全可以称之为“风浪之舞”。中文。大浦海岸柱状节理带的高度为30~40m,宽度约1km, 在韩国规模最大,被指定为济州岛第443号天然纪念物。在木制台阶制成的散步路上,可以安全地近距离欣赏柱状节理。 

open - 9am to 6pm 
营业时间 - 上午9点 到 下午6点 

Admission fee,门票费 Price, 费用 
Adult, 成人 2,000 
Student, 学生 1,000 
Children, 小孩 1,000

😍 Picture of Jeju Island 😍
📷 Picture with taxi tour customer 📷
Jeju taxi tour kj(Jeju island taxi & jjang)

🙌(South) Jungmun Daepo Haean Columnar - Jointed Lava 中文大浦海岸柱状节理带 중문.대포해안 주상절리대 🙌

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