(North) Jeju Mokgwana 济州牧馆衙址 제주목관아

Korea has a painful history during Japanese colonial rule. Jeju Mokgwana is one of the many historic relics that were lost during that era and later recovered. Four excavations and investigation works for Jeju mokgwana from 1991 to 1998 made it possible to restore to restore’s the site’s appearance to what it is now. During the process of restoring documents such as the Tamna Sullyokdo, an illustrated historical record of the island, and the Tamna Bangyoungchongram, an official document on government facilities, with the aid of historical research and consultation with scholars in the field, Jeju citizens donated 50,000 pieces of roof tile to help the restoration. You can look around Honghwagak, where the Jeoljesa (military judicial officers) worked, Gyulimdang where they enjoyed entainment and Youngju Hyeopdang, where military officials worked. You can visit Gwandeokjeong on your way. To the east of Jeju mokgwana is the downtown area of Chilseongro and to the north are Tapdong and Jeju Port. Within a 1-hour walk, you can visit Chilseongro and fill your belly with plentiful good food in Seobudu Sashimi Town. Jeju mokgwana, which was the centre of politics and administration on Jeju Island till the end of the 19th century, is a great place to visit with children. 

韩国有着日本帝国主义占领时期的屈辱历史。因此,在历史遗物中,复原了很多日本帝国主义占领时期损坏的遗物,其中济州牧官衙就是代表性遗物。从1991年~1998年,开展了4次正规的发掘调查工作,如今已找回了济州牧官衙的原貌。在通过《耽罗巡厉图》和 《耽罗防营总览》等文献和相关学者们的考证及咨询复原的过程中,济州市民捐赠了5万块瓦片投入复原工作。这里有节制使处理公务的弘化阁,欣赏桔子的橘林堂和军官办公的瀛洲协堂等建筑物。这里还有观德亭,可以一次观赏两个地方,很方便。济州牧官衙的东侧为七星路商街,北侧为塔洞和济州港。步行约一个小时就能游遍七星路,然后可以到济州港西码头生鱼片店享受丰盛的美味。至近代末为止,济州牧官衙一直是济州岛的政治,行政中心,你可以带孩子一起到这里感受一下历史的痕迹。 

Open hours - (Summer) 9.30am - 6pm , (Winter) 9am - 5pm 
营业时间 -(夏季) 9点半 至6点 ,(冬季) 9点 至 5点

Free ;免费

😍 Picture of Jeju Island 😍
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🚖Jeju taxi tour kj ( Jeju taxi driver Mr.Jang )🚖
[ Jeju Mokgwana, 济州牧馆衙址, 제주목관아 ]

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