(South) Cheonjiyeon Waterfall 天地渊瀑布 천지연폭포

A quiet trail leads the way to Cheonjiyeon Waterfall. The path through the thick forest and stepping stones across the steam make this a popular date route for young lovers and newlyweds. The waterfall formed in a valley of hardened lava and measures 22 meters high and 20m deep. It is called Cheonjiyeon as it is a pond made by the contact of the sky and land. Cheonjiyeon became a scenic spot a long time ago, with its chiseled rock cliffs and rare subtropical trees. The valley near the waterfall is home to alot of Natural Monument tress, example Psilotum nudum, Camellias and other subtropical trees. This waterfall is also home to the giant mottled eel. another National Monumnet. At night times, visitors can enjoy a great view of the lighted waterfall and use the convenience facilities nearby. 

去往天地渊瀑布的道路是一条寂静的散步路。被郁郁葱葱的森林环绕的林中小径和石头垒成的垫脚石桥等,作为年轻恋人和新婚夫妇的约会路线而拥有很高的人气。天地渊瀑布在熔岩凝结而成的溪谷中形成,高22米,水深达20米,瀑布下面的莲池称为“天地浑然一体的莲池”, 因此得名“天地渊”。 陡峭的奇岩绝壁和温带森林代的珍贵树木完美和谐,自古以来就是旅游名胜。在温带森林带广泛分布着被指定为天然纪念物的有很多,像是胆八树,珊瑚树等多种树林。此外,天地渊瀑布中还栖息着天然纪念物花螨鲡。 这里照明设施和便利设施完备,即使夜晚到此,也可以欣赏与优美的夜景完美和谐的瀑布。 

open - 7am to 11pm 
营业时间 - 上午7点 到 下午11点

Admission fee,门票费 Price, 费用 
Adult, 成人 2,000 
Student, 学生 1,000 
elderly, 老人 Free 

😍 Picture of Jeju Island 😍
📷 Picture with taxi tour customer 📷
Jeju taxi tour kj(Jeju island taxi & jjang)

🙌(South) Cheonjiyeon Waterfall 天地渊瀑布 천지연폭포 🙌

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