(South) Jeongbang Waterfall 正房瀑布 정방폭포

You will feel refreshed the moment you see Jeongbang waterfall from which the water cascades straight into the ocean. It waterfall is 23 meters high and 8m wide, and the small pond that the water falls into is 5m deep Jeongbang waterfall is the only place on Jeju where the water fall straight to the ocean. It has been selected as one of the 10 wonders of Jeju and called “Jeongbang Hapok.” On both sides of the waterfall are vertical cliffs and old pine trees. On the rocks around Jeongbang waterfall, haenyeo (women divers) sell freshly caught seafood. A good non-slip pair of shoes is need on a trip to Jeongbang waterfall, since you need to walk on large wet rocks to go near the waterfall. 

一看到正房瀑布,就觉得心情豁然开朗了。这是因为清凉的瀑布水飞流直下,直坠海中的缘故。高度23米,宽8米,瀑布冲出的深潭水深就达5米。瀑布水与大海相连流入大海的。“正房夏瀑” 成为瀛州十景之一。瀑布的两侧是垂直的崖壁,斜长出几棵古松。正房瀑布的岩石上售卖海女刚捕捞上来的海产品。坐在岩石上欣赏瀑布,恍如仙境一般。去正房瀑布最重要的穿适合的鞋。如果要到瀑布附近,就得走过一些巨大的岩石,好鞋可防滑避免您摔倒。 

open - 8.30am to 6pm (Summer till 7 pm) 
营业时间 - 上午8点半 到 下午6点 (夏季开至7点)

Admission fee,门票费 Price, 费用 
Adult, 成人 2,000 
Student, 学生 1,000 
elderly, 老人 Free 

😍 Picture of Jeju Island 😍
📷 Picture with taxi tour customer 📷
Jeju taxi tour kj(Jeju island taxi & jjang)

🙌(South) Jeongbang Waterfall 正房瀑布 정방폭포🙌

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