(South) Yeongsilgiam 灵室奇岩 영실기암

According to the legend, while Seolmindae Halmang was cooking soup to feed her 500 sons,she fell into the cauldron and drowned. The sons ate the soup without knowing what had happened, but cried when they discovered the tragedy and turned into rocks. The scenery here is spectacular with rocks of fantastic shapes that look masculine, loyal azaleas blooming in the spring and autumn foliage in the fall. 

据说雪门大 奶奶在为500名儿子煮粥时不幸掉入锅中死去,不知道情况的儿子们吃完粥后,才发现母亲已经离开了他们,他们不禁悲伤地痛哭起来,最后变成了石头。充满阳刚之气奇岩,春天山踯躅绽放,秋天枫叶红遍

Admission fee - Free
门票费 - 免费

** NOTE : We do not suggest customer to go hiking if this route need 4 hours (2 hours to walk up, 2 hour to walk down), however our taxi driver are happy to drive you to the entrance and take picture if you are interested. 
**注意 : 我们不建议客人去爬山因为这路线需要4个小时(两小时上山,两小时下山),但如果有兴趣的话,我们司机先生很乐意载你们到路口那里拍照。 

😍 Picture of Jeju Island 😍
📷 Picture with taxi tour customer 📷
Jeju taxi tour kj(Jeju island taxi & jjang)

🙌(South) Yeongsilgiam 灵室奇岩 영실기암  🙌

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